welcome to the
site of humbling !!
revisit this site if you ever feel too good about yourself and need a bit of realism.
- 🩶 you are a failure.
- 🩶 you are not special.
- 🩶 time will always outpace you.
- 🩶 time will not wait for you.
- 🩶 time will envelop you in its noxious embrace if you do not choose to lead your life with more stride.
- 🩶 death is time's accomplice; likewise, death is bound to envelop you as well.
- 🩶 everybody you know and love will die.
- 🩶 you will die.
- 🩶 once you die, the time it takes for you to be forgotten is proportional to how much you have influenced your environment.
- 🩶 the less you have influenced, the faster you will be forgotten.
- 🩶 passerby do not care about your achievements, or you as a person.
- 🩶 millions of people out there are doing things you could never dream to do.
- 🩶 your actions will ultimately amount to nothing.
- 🩶 the very ground upon which you stand will soon crumble in part due to your own kind's hand.
- 🩶 humanity will be the death of itself.
- 🩶 humanity could possibly be the only semblance of intelligent life present in the entire universe.
- 🩶 these are the people you are stuck with for all of eternity, do you take enjoyment in that fact ?
- 🩶 humanity is stupid; likewise, you are stupid.
- 🩶 no matter how much you think the contrary, you are not as smart as you make yourself out to be -- not even subconsciously.
- 🩶 you know nothing.
- 🩶 humanity knows not even the most minuscule fraction about what the universe truly has to offer.
- 🩶 there are things out there incomprehensible to humanity's feeble mind.
- 🩶 and you will never live to see the day humanity knows the truth, neither will anyone within your generation.
- 🩶 the secret to happiness lies in this very hyperlink.